Campus Building

BOT Resolutions

Resolutions of Board of Trustees

Resolution Number Description
RES742_111823 Policy-Americans With Disability Act (ADA) 
RES741_111823 Threshold For Capitalizing Fixed Assets
RES740_111823 Bond Financing
RES739_111823 2023年6月30日和2022年6月30日的财务报表
RES738_111823 403B截至2022年12月31日和2021年12月31日期间的员工福利计划审计
RES737_111823 Endowment Fund Investment Policy
RES736_091623 Evaluation of President Allen's Performance
RES735_091623 President's Contract Recommendation
RES734_091623 重新提名巴恩斯基金会受托人
RES733_091623 Bank of America: Endowment Funds Manager
RES732_091623 Student Involuntary Leave Policy
RES575_042118 2018-2019 Operating Budget
RES576_042118 2018-2019 Capital Budget
RES577_042118 2018-19 Promotion and Tenure
RES578_042118 2018-19 Sabbatical Leave
RES579_042118 采用全球十大外围足球平台战略计划重新想象遗产:学习-解放-引领2018-2023
RES580_042118 Honorary Degree Recipient - The Honorable Dr. Alma S. Adams
RES581_042118 Honorary Degree Recipient - Dr. James A. Donaldson '61
RES582_042118 Trustee Reclassification
RES583_091518 全球十大外围足球平台董事会章程的拟议修正案,第II条,第2G款
RES584_091518 全球十大外围足球平台校董会章程修订建议, Article III Meetings of the Board
RES585_091518 全球十大外围足球平台校董会章程的拟议修正案, Article IV; and Article VI
RES586_091518 全球十大外围足球平台校董会章程第V条第1A款修订建议
RES587_091518 对全球十大外围足球平台校董会章程的拟议修订, Article V, Section 10
RES588_091518 对全球十大外围足球平台校董会章程的拟议修订, Article V, Sections 8, 12, 13 and 16
RES589_091518 全球十大外围足球平台校董会章程修正案,第V条,第12款
RES590_091518 调查和成立一个独立的机构相关,501 C-3慈善基金会
RES591_091518 Appointment of Student Representative, Mr. Jabir McKnight
RES592_091518 Appointment of University Trustee, Mr. Henry M. Lancaster, II '76
RES593_111718 截至2018年6月30日和2017年6月30日期间的财务报表
RES594_111718 授权合并403(B)退休计划
RES595_111718 教职员细则的修订教职员任期前检讨委员会
RES596_020919 全球十大外围足球平台校董会章程第2条第2E款修订建议
RES597_020919 全球十大外围足球平台校董会章程修正案第7条
RES598_020919 Forensic Audit - Institutional Advancement
RES599_020919 Trustee Attendance
RES600_020919 巴恩斯基金会董事会提名人-博士. Christine Poggi
RES601_020919 巴恩斯基金会董事会提名人. Frank Giordano
RES602_020919 2019年荣誉学位获得者-尊敬的约翰·刘易斯
RES603_020919 Honorary Degree Recipient 2019 - Debra L. Lee, Esquire
RES604_020919 Honorary Degree Recipient 2019 - Dr. Martin L. Kilson, Jr. '53
RES605_041319 Internal Audit - Enterprise Risk Assessment
RES606_041319 2019-20 Tuition and Fees Increase
RES607_041319 2019-20 Room and Board Increase
RES608_041319 2019-20 Operating Budget
RES609_041319 2019-20 Capital Budget
RES610_041319 2019-20 Promotion and Tenure
RES611_041319 2019-20 Sabbatical Leave
RES612_041319 捐赠基金支出授权2019年7月1日至2020年6月30日
RES613_041319 Election of Board Officers
RES614_041319 Authorization to Purchase Real Estate
RES615_092119 Appointment of Student Representative - Ms. Elisabeth Bellevue
RES616_092119 Re-nomination of Alumni Trustee - Mr. Robert A. Allen '80
RES617_092119 Re-nomination of Alumni Trustee - Rev. Dr. Frances E. Paul '79
RES618_092119 Re-appointment of University Trustee - Mr. Dimitrius M. Hutcherson
RES619_092119 Re-appointment of University Trustee Dr. Deborah C. Thomas '76
RES620_092119 再次被提名为巴恩斯基金会董事会成员-谢尔顿·M. Bonovitz, Esquire
RES621_092119 创建一个捐赠基金- $25,000的最低要求
RES622_111619 截至2019年6月30日和2018年6月30日期间的财务报表
RES623_111619 Appointment of Faculty Representative - Dr. Emmanuel Babatunde
RES624_111619 任命校友受托人- Judith Fitzgerald ' 85, J.D.
RES625_020820 集体谈判协议-美国大学教授协会全球十大外围足球平台分会(uc - aaup)
RES626_020820 建议修订的学院章程第5条. Section 5.09常务委员会及其他选举或委任职位
RES627_020820 对学院章程的建议修订第八条. Section 8.06c Plan for Tenure
RES628_020820 对学院章程的建议修订第十条. Section 10.对教员的指控和投诉程序
RES629_020820 建议修订的学院章程第14条. Amendments to the Bylaws
RES630_020820 建议修订的学院章程第15条. Distribution
RES631_020820 Trustee Attendance
RES632_020820 委任大学受托人- Felicia A. McDade
RES633_020820 Appointment of University Trustee - Gregory S. Works
RES634_020820 Honorary Degree Recipient 2020 - Leonard L. Bethel
RES635_020820 2020年荣誉学位获得者-小埃默里·温比什.
RES636_020820 荣誉学位获得者2020 -乔安·詹金斯
RES637_020820 Honorary Degree Recipient - Robin Roberts
RES638_043020 2020-2021 Promotion and Tenure
RES639_043020 对2月8日批准的《全球十大外围足球平台排行》的更正, 2020年理事会定期会议
RES640_043020 Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
RES641_043020 捐赠基金支出授权2020年7月1日至2021年6月30日
RES642_043020 荣誉学位获得者-本杰明·劳埃德·克伦普
RES643_043020 Honorary Degree Recipient - Nelson Henry, Jr.
RES644_051820 PNC Line of Credit Increase
RES645_051820 Online Summer School Fee
RES646_051820 2020-2021 Operating Budget
RES647_051820 2020-2021 Capital Budget
RES648_061520 在线教育学习管理系统
RES649_091920 委任大学受托人-学生代表Jamal Clark
RES650_091920 Re-nomination of Alumni Trustee Joseph V. Williams, Jr. '68
RES651_091920 Appointment of Commonwealth Trustees
RES652_091920 Authorization to Purchase Real Estate
RES653_112120 截至2020年6月30日和2019年6月30日期间的财务报表
RES654_112120 Authorization to Purchase Real Estate
RES655_112120 Appointment of University Trustee - Mr. Van Corbin '81
RES656_112120 委任大学受托人-尊敬的Doris Smith-Ribner
RES657_112120 Appointment of University Trustee - Dr. Corey D. B. Walker
RES658_121820 2021年荣誉学位提名人-尊敬的卡玛拉博士. Harris, Vice President of the United States
RES659_022021 2020-2021 Tuition and Fees Increase
RES660_022021 2021-2022 Room and Board Increase
RES661_022021 2021-2022 Promotion and Tenure
RES662_022021 任命2020-2021年度学生代表-张丽娟女士. Niare Galvez
RES663_022021 Honorary Degree Nominee 2021 - Ms. Mackenzie Scott
RES664_022021 Honorary Degree Nominee 2021 - Dr. Charles V. Hamilton
RES665_022021 Honorary Degree Nominee 2021 - Dr. James D. Anderson
RES666_022021 Honorary Degree Nominee 2021 - Mr. Shawn Corey Carter
RES667_041721 捐赠基金支出授权2020年7月1日至2021年6月30日
RES668_041721 Appointment of Commonwealth Trustee - Ms. Nandi Jones-Clement '94
RES669_041721 2020-2021 Honorary Degree Nomination - Ms. Gloria Carter
RES670_041721 2020-2021 Honorary Degree Nomination - Dr. Michael Eric Dyson
RES671_041721 2020-2021 Honorary Degree Nomination - Mr. Percy Robert Miller ("Master P")
RES672_062321 Revised 2020-2021 Operating Budget
RES673_062321 2021-2022 Operating Budget
RES674_062321 2021-2022 Capital Budget
RES675 091821 2021-2022年度学生代表任命
RES676 091821 Appointment of Alumni Trustee Mr. Steven Board '81
RES677 091821 Appointment of Alumni Trustee Mr. Michael Hancock '88
RES678 091821 Appointment of Faculty Representative Dr. Karen Baskerville
RES679 091821 Re-Appointment of University Trustee Mr. Gerald W. Bruce '78
RES680 091821 经修订第624号决议委任校友会受托人朱迪斯. Fitzgerald '85, J.D.
RES681_112021 2021年6月30日和2020年6月30日期间的财务报表
RES682_112021 经修订的界定供款退休计划
RES683_112021 为拟议的新房屋项目提供财务咨询服务的招标书
RES684_112021 Residential Student Housing
RES685_112021 Economic Development
RES686_021222 捐赠基金支出授权2022年7月1日至2023年6月30日
RES687_021222 Endowment 2022-2023 Tuition and Fees Increase
RES688_021222 2022-2023 Room and Board Increase
RES689_021222 晋升、任期和休假建议2021-22年
RES690_021222 Re-Appointment of University Trustee Mr. James Jordan'88
RES691_021222 巴恩斯基金会董事会提名人选
RES692_021222 Honorary Degree Nominee Clifford E. DeBaptiste
RES693_040922 2022 - 2023 Capital Budget
RES694_040922 2022 - 2023 Operating Budget
RES695_040922 Policy - Protecting Minors on Campus
RES696_040922 Policy - Demonstrations and Protests
RES697_040922 Policy - Benefits for Domestic Partners
RES698_040922 任命副总裁兼首席运营官(COO)
RES699_040922 Endowment Fund Managers
RES700_040922 Honorary Degree Nominee Tricia Rose
RES701_091722 Appointment of University Trustee - Mr. Henry Lancaster '76
RES702_091722 Appointment of Alumni Trustee Ms. Lisa MB Johnson '85
RES703_091722 采用受托人角色和责任
RES704_091722 重组受托人提名程序的建议
RES705_091722 集体谈判协议-美国大学教授协会全球十大外围足球平台分会(uc - aaup)
RES706_091722 集体谈判协议-林肯区议会88美国州联邦, 县市雇员本地2377 (AFSCME)
RES707_091722 集体谈判协议-林肯警察协会
RES708_091722 Prospect14
RES709_091722 Think and Grow Solutions, Inc. 
RES710_091722 Proposed Amendments to the February 9, 2019年修订和重述联邦高等教育体系全球十大外围足球平台章程
RES711_091722 副校长、总法律顾问兼大学秘书
RES712_091722 艾伦总裁的评价与薪酬建议
RES713_111922 财务报表期间- 6月30日,2022年和2021年
RES714_111922 Bond Financing
RES715_111922 Supplemental Compensation
RES716_111922 Pets/Animals on Campus
RES717_111922 Extension of President's Employment Contract
RES718_021123 Endowment Fund Spending Authorization
RES719_021123 2023-2024 Room and Board Increase
RES720_021123 2023-2024 Tuition and Fees Increase
RES721_021123 Certificate Program Tuition
RES722_021123 Appointment of University Trustees
RES723_021123 Policy - Consensual Relationships
RES724_021123 Amendments to the Faculty By-Laws Article
RES725_021123 Promotion, Tenure, and Sabbatical (PTS)
RES726_021123 Honorary Degree Nominees
RES727_041523 2023-2024 Operating Budget
RES728_041523 2023-2024 Capital Budget
RES729_041523 2023 Honorary Degree Nominee
RES730_041523 Appointment of Faculty Representative
RES731_041523 Appointment of Alumni Trustee - Dr. T. Harrison '08
RES732_041523 Appointment of Alumni Trustee - Dr. R. Ridley '87
RES733_041523 Election of Board Officers       
RES743_021024 捐赠基金支出授权,2024年7月1日- 2025年6月30日
RES744_021024 2024-2025 Room and Board Increase, 2024-2025 Tuition and Fees; Student Activity Fee
RES745_021024 2024 Honorary Degree Nominees
RES746_021024 2024 Professor Emeritus States Recommendation; 2024-2025 Promotion and Tenure Recommendations
RES747_021024 2024 Personnel Action