
无障碍服务与每个申请住宿的学生合作.  The office works to determine eligibility and to identify reasonable accommodations based on the student's request without altering the fundamental nature of the academic program.  The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (amended in 2008) describes an individual with a disability as someone who has: 

  • A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual;
  • A record of such impairment; or
  • 被认为有这样的缺陷.


为评估人员提供了以下标准, 医学专家, 学生和家庭成员指导准备残疾文件的过程.  如果您有任何问题,请联系Lorna Chambers,无障碍服务协调员.



电子邮件: accessservices@o2mate.net 



Complete documentation establishes the student as a person with a disability and provides a rationale for reasonable accommodations.  文档应该包含以下组件.  可及性服务 may contact the evaluator with the student's permission to gather more information.

  1. 评估员的证书: 文件必须来自一个合格的医生谁不是学生的家庭成员. 文件必须打印在官方信笺上,并由有资格的专业人员签名.  (请注明姓名), 凭证, 许可, 专业领域, 地址及联络资料.)
  1. 残疾的历史:提供背景资料, 包括发展, 医疗, 心理, 家庭和学术历史(如相关).
  2. 诊断说明及诊断方法说明: 包括一个明确的诊断说明. 如果适用,包括当前的DSM-V或ICD-9诊断.  诊断标准的描述, 评价方法, 程序, 测试和管理日期, 也可以包括临床叙述和具体结果. 
  3. 当前的文档: Documentation is meant to provide information about the student's current level of functioning in order to (1) establish the disability and (2) identify appropriate accommodations. 我们建议检测报告不超过3-5年.  (首选成人规范的检测仪器.)  在某些情况下,我们承认这一点, students may have older evaluations and testing reports; we do not want the absence of a current report to be a deterrent to receiving needed accommodations.  请不要这样做 如有犹豫,请全球十大外围足球平台讨论选择.


  1. 当前功能限制的描述: 描述病情当前的功能影响,包括严重程度、频率和普遍性. 讨论这种情况如何限制主要的生命活动.  Please speak to the ways in which the student's condition may affect his or her functioning in a post-secondary educational environment.


  1. 描述残疾的预期进展或稳定性:Include information about expected changes in the functional impact of the disability over time and context (if applicable).  全球十大外围足球平台rmation on the cyclical or episodic nature of the disability and known or suspected environmental triggers are recommended. 
  2. 描述当前和过去的住宿情况描述当前和过去的助动词, 辅助设备, support services and accommodations and the ways in which they have (or have not) been effective in ameliorating functional impacts of the disability.  注意:在其他环境中提供的住宿对当前机构没有约束力, 但它们可以为当前的决策提供洞察力. 
  3. 住宿和/或辅助设备的建议: 建议应该在逻辑上与功能限制相关.  请对特定住宿的理由作出明确解释. 注:大专院校没有义务采纳外部实体提出的建议, 但建议有助于确定适当的住宿条件. 


*这不是一个详尽的清单. Please contact us if you need guidance about documentation for concerns that are not part of the list below.

  • 注意缺陷/多动障碍
  • 学习障碍 & 其他认知障碍
  • 身体残疾或慢性健康状况
  • 精神科/心理障碍
  • 失明和视力低下
  • 聋人或重听人





学生必须提供文件,不超过三(3)年,并根据 由精神科医生或有执照的心理学家完成的综合评估结果

注意力缺陷多动症区. 请包括:

  1. ADHD诊断和严重程度的明确陈述.


  1. 当前评估日期和先前评估日期.


  1. 用于诊断的程序和措施.


  1. 全面诊断访谈总结.  请包括个人的病史,发病年龄和



  1. 对符合诊断标准的当前症状的描述. 排除其他诊断或

       症状解释. 任何评估结果和相关测试数据的分析.


  1. 描述残疾对主要生活活动(生活)的功能影响, 学习, 等.)
  2. 目前的治疗方案.  如果学生正在服药,包括可能的副作用的全球十大外围足球平台 这可能会造成额外的功能限制.
  3. 适当住宿的建议,包括基于学生的理由





Students requesting support services must 提交 a current report (no more than five (5) years old) from a psychoeducational or neuro心理 evaluation completed by a licensed psychologist or certified school psychologist experienced in evaluating 学习 disabilities in young adults and adults.

The report must include the following information: a clear statement diagnosing a 学习 disability; data and analysis substantiating the diagnosis including standard scores and percentiles; identification of current deficits that significantly limit academic performance; and recommendations for reasonable accommodations with a rationale for each one. 


​​​1. Summary 全面的诊断性访谈,包括教育历史.

  1. 资质/认知能力 -包括标准化工具的分数,如韦氏成人智力量表-III (WAIS-III), 伍德科克-约翰逊三世(WJ3), 认知能力测试, 斯坦福-比奈V,  考夫曼青少年和成人智力量表. 
  2. 学术成就 -包括来自韦氏个人成就测试(WIAT)等标准化工具的分数, Woodcock-Johnson三世, Tests of Achievement; Stanford Test of Academic Skills (TASK), 成人学业能力测试(SATA).
  3. 全球十大外围足球平台处理 - (e.g., 视觉, 听觉, and spatial perception; processing speed; short and long term memory; executive functioning)  Include performance under timed conditions, 从诸如WAIS III之类的措施中, WJ3, 认知能力测试和成就测试, 底特律学习能力测验(DTLA-4或dtla -成人), 和尼尔森-丹尼阅读测验.
  4. 建议for appropriate accommodations including a rationale for each recommendation based on the student's 当前功能限制.



To document a 心理 disability please 提交 a current report (no more than one year old) based on a comprehensive evaluation performed by an appropriate professional relating the current impact of the condition to the requested accommodations.  评估必须包括以下全球十大外围足球平台:

  1. 现有损害的证据:明确说明具体的DSM V诊断和严重程度.  包括功能评估, 精神障碍发病日期/年龄, 最后一次精神病学评估的日期和共病情况的讨论(如果相关).


  1. 用于诊断的方法、标准和诊断测试的描述.


  1. Comprehensive description of the impact of the disability on 学习 and living in a postsecondary institution, 包括当前减值的证据.  讨论症状的性质、频率和严重程度.
  2. 治疗计划:讨论当前的治疗计划,包括推荐的干预措施.  如果学生正在服药, 包括可能产生额外功能限制的副作用的全球十大外围足球平台. 
  3. 关于学业调整的具体建议, auxiliary aids and/or services including a rationale for each based on the student's functional limitations.  请注明推荐住宿的时间段.



眼科医生对失明或视力低下的人进行诊断并提供医疗服务. 持牌专业人士应该是一个公正的人,而不是学生的家庭成员.


  1. A clear statement of vision-related disability with supporting numerical description that indicates the current impact the blindness or vision loss has on the student functioning.


  1. A summary of assessment 程序 and analysis implements used to make the diagnosis and overall evaluation results including standardized scores.


  1. 符合诊断标准的当前症状.


  1. 与学生需要相关的医疗全球十大外围足球平台, 学生的视力状况(静止或变化)及其对学业需求的影响.


  1. Description of the functional impact or limitations of the disability on 学习 or other major life activity and the extent to which it affects the students in the academic environment for which accommodations are being requested. If co-existing 学习 disabilities or other disabling conditions are indicated further assessment by an appropriate professional may be required.




Otologists and Otorhinolaryngologists are licensed professional qualified to diagnose and treat hearing disorders. 持牌专业人士应该是一个公正的人,不是学生的家庭成员.


耳聋:耳聋或听力丧失的明显表现, with a current audiogram that indicates present impact deafness or hearing loss has on student’s functioning (age of acceptable documentation based upon disability, 学生的现状和住宿要求)

A summary assessment 程序 and analysis implement used to make the diagnosis and an overall summary of results

与学生需要相关的医疗全球十大外围足球平台, 学生的听力状况(静止或变化)及其对学业需求的影响.


Description of the functional impact or limitations the hearing loss has on 学习 and major life activity and the extent to which it impacts the student in academic environment for which accommodations are being requested. If co-existing 学习 disabilities or other disabling conditions are noted further assessment by an appropriate professional may be required.